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The Marilyn Monroe Museum for Comedic Sensuality

New York, USA

Located in Central Park, New York, the museum creates a East to West void within the site of the park spanning the width of one block. The museum is divided into the spaces formed by this assigned intersection of the New York block and the existing Ramble zone of Central Park. The formed spaces represent the infinite number of personalities and scales of the Marilyn persona and are articulated in a appropriately incomprehensible way.

All the spaces are located underground with individual access from the ground surface. Thus the museum can only be experienced one space at a time leaving its scale, size and vastness indefinitely unknown. One is always aware of an incomplete experience of the museum, however he/she can never fully achieve the complete one. Similar to Marilyn's way of achieving sensuality: never exposing everything at the same time, while expressing all the parts individually

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